Today we were filming!

So today at college we had a to make a swede for a film called Fargo, we (Billy, Jayden, Zoey and myself) were in a room with one camera, tripod and a dolly on a track. We had billy smashing a T.V with then me and Zoey keeping the camera on track with Jayden keeping the camera steady for our track shot. We then had Billy and myself keeping the track steady for Zoeys shot and then the the same for my shot as well. Considering we got all the shooting done today we have the rest of the week to edit.

Camera Shots

Camera Shots

EST or Establishing Shot
•This may be one of the first shots you see, this shot usually sets the scene for a film such as a very high up shot covering the city skyline with the tops of sky scrapers another example would be a panning shot of a countryside.

WS or Wide Shot
•This can be and is often used as a replacement of a establishing shot. This can be used for more of an indoor establishing shot showing off the inside of a building or such.
LS or Long Shot
•This is more of a distance shot, it can give a feeling of the size of your surrounding and show weather you are in a tight or very open area this also shows off the whole of a person but at the cost of not being able to see them well.
MLS or Medium Long Shot
•This is a very common shot showing off from between the knees and up to the head showing some of the background.
MS or Medium Shot
•This is a shot from the waist up showing off some background but again a more clear shot of the person.
MCU or Medium Close Up
•This is the shot of the shoulders up can be used to show stance and body language to help distinguish emotion. Though this example also shows foreground focus.
CU or Close Up
•Closely frames a person, object or aspect of an action.
BCU or Big Close Up
•Used a lot to show extreme emotion and shot between the forehead and the chin.
ECU or Extreme Close Up
•This shows a very specific close up of an object or person to show extreme emphasis on a that frame.
Aerial Shot
•Taken above an object looking directly down, often used to again show a city scape.
OH or Overhead Shot
•Directly over an object or actors
HA or High Angle Shot
•Camera is angled down towards someone with someone looking down at them, often used to make someone appear small thus giving the apparition that they mean less and are powerless.
Eye-Level Shot
•Camera is eyelevel with the subject.
LA or Low Angle Shot
•Used as an opposite of the HA to show power in someone.
Two- Shot
•Two people in the same frame usually with a medium shot distance again can be used to show the stance and body language between people.
POV or Point Of View
•The camera acts as the eyes of a person, this may be to show perspective of something or an action, commonly used in horrors or the like when the subject enters a closet and watches the villain walk around.
OTS or Over The Shoulder Shot
•This is where the subject may take a third or fourth of the frame then showing them talking to another person this is used with the 180° rule to show a conversation.
The 180° Rule – Shot Reverse Shot
•The 180° is a line which must not be crossed to continuity between shots meaning on one side of the 180° you can film from any angle but if you were to go to the other side of the line you will have a complete background change and throws off viewers the shot/ reverse shot is used besides this when people are talking.
Static Shot
•Where a camera is non-moving and focused on something that is inanimate allowing for a scene to unfold naturally
Tracking Shot
•Where the camera is placed on a dolly and moved from left to right and usually used for sciences when people are walking etc.
Tilting Shot
•The act of a camera being locked in position but can be moved up and down.
Panning Shot
•Where the camera is locked in position but moves left to right
Zoom-in/ Zoom- Out
•The act of a camera magnifying the frame without moving the camera
Zoom-in/ Track out
•This is a mixture of the camera zooming in as the camera on a dolly tracks out giving a very skewed perception in the scene.
•The depth of the frame weather you have foreground/ background or deep focus
Foreground Focus
•Where everything in the foreground is in focus whist the background is in unfocused
Deep Focus
•This was a technique developed by Orson Welles which enables both foreground and backgrounds to be in focus at the same time allowing for everything to be viewed with no impairment.

My first day/ impressions

So today was my first day in the realms of media; already I’ve made myself look like an idiot so it’s safe to say I’m not making a good impression. There’s a couple of things I’ve had to try and get used to mainly the Macs which continue to frustrate me but I’m sure ill pick it up pretty quick. Nothing much has really happened so far so I can’t really talk about how easy or hard I find things.. So I guess I gotta keep updating for now. Bye